Friday, July 5, 2013

31 for 31: Day 3

Sorry this is a couple of days late. :) Please note that being late might happen from time to time, but I'll try to not let it get out of hand. ;)

Anyways! Day 3:

Top: Gray Empire top with pink satin ribbon
Bottom: Teal damask maxi skirt
Shoes: Teal flip flops

I LOVE this maxi shirt. I'm trying to find more than one way to wear it (beyond the coral button up I  bought to match it - you'll see that combo at some point in this challenge, I'm sure). I think this works, but I don't love it. There's just something about a maxi skirt that I feel needs a tucked-in shirt. Maybe it's just me. I tried to tuck in this shirt and it did NOT work.

Also, random fact - I've lost some weight recently due to some health things and I kind a feel like these empire tops do not do me the same service they did when I bought them.  I was about 20lbs heavier when I bought these shirts and they helped slim me down. I'm thinking it's time to look for a different style of shirt that works for me now? Maybe? we'll see...

ANYWAYS. that's all. :o) ciao!

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